* For every review you complete, you get 1 credit towards any future giveaways we may have. Just make sure you leave your email in that survey response and when the giveaway happens, you will need to leave a comment indicating which survey you responded to. Please only review a diaper that you have used on your baby!
* I have used a similar format for each survey, so you might find some questions that aren't relevant (for example, asking how big your baby is when the diaper is only made in newborn size!). This is just for ease of creation. Simply ignore that.
* Babies change and their needs change, so you may have found that the diaper worked well in some respects for one size, but not for another size. Fill out the survey relevant to that particular size. If you feel you need to complete the survey again, feel free (although don't feel obligated to!)
All in One
AMP Stay Dry All in One Diaper
Blueberry Basix
Bottom Bumpers Side-Snapping All-in-One ONE SIZE
Bottom Bumpers Side-Snapping All-in-One Sized
Bugga Bugga Boutique One Size All in One
Bumgenius All in One
Bumgenius Elemental One Size Diaper
Chelory All in One Diaper
Gro Via All in One
GroVia NEWBORN All in One
Itti Bitti D'Lish AIO
Itti Bitti D'Lish SIO
Kissaluv Marvels
Dry Bees All in One
Forward Thinking All in One
Motherease All in One
Osocozy All In One
Osocozy AIO Version 2.0
Ragababe Easy All in One
Rainshine Designs Newborn All in One
Rumparooz Lil Joey All in One
Sposoeasy All in One
Swaddlebees Simplex
All in Two
AMP Stay Dry All in Two
AppleCheeks (also a pocket diaper)
Best Bottom One Size Diaper
Chelory AI2
Flip Hybrid Diaper System
Green Line Diapers
Gro Via All in Two
Itti Bitti Tutto
Little Boppers
Little Fancy Pants AI2
Mudbutt AI2 Diaper
Ragababe Organic 2-Step Diaper
Softbums Echo
Softbums Omni
Sprout Change All in Two Diaper
Best Bottom One Size Diapers
Pocket Diapers
AMP One Size Duo
AMP One Size Pocket Diaper
Babykicks 3G One Size Pocket Diaper
Blueberry Bamboo Deluxe One Size Pocket Diaper
Blueberry One Size Deluxe
Blueberry Minky One Size Bamboo with Microterry Inserts
bumGenius One Size 3.0
bumGenius One Size 4.0
Bummis Tots Bots
Charlie Banana 2-in-1 Cloth Diaper System - Sized
Charlie Banana 2-in-1 Cloth Diaper System - One Size
DinkleDooz Pocket Diaper
FuzziBunz One Size Diaper
FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper
Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper
Kawaii Baby Heavy Duty One Size Pocket Diaper
Kawaii Baby Bamboo Minky
Kawaii Baby Snazzy Minky
Oh Katy Pocket Diaper
Rocky Mountain One Size Pocket Diaper
Rumparooz One Size Diaper
Smartipants One Size Diaper
Sunbaby 3.0 (without hip snaps)
Sunbaby 4.0 (with hip snaps)
Thirsties Duo Diaper
Wahmies One Size ALL SNAPS Pocket diaper (please note this is not the one with the adjustable hooks)
AMP Stay Dry All in Two
AppleCheeks (also a pocket diaper)
Best Bottom One Size Diaper
Chelory AI2
Flip Hybrid Diaper System
Green Line Diapers
Gro Via All in Two
Itti Bitti Tutto
Little Boppers
Little Fancy Pants AI2
Mudbutt AI2 Diaper
Ragababe Organic 2-Step Diaper
Softbums Echo
Softbums Omni
Sprout Change All in Two Diaper
Best Bottom One Size Diapers
Pocket Diapers
AMP One Size Duo
AMP One Size Pocket Diaper
Babykicks 3G One Size Pocket Diaper
Blueberry Bamboo Deluxe One Size Pocket Diaper
Blueberry One Size Deluxe
Blueberry Minky One Size Bamboo with Microterry Inserts
bumGenius One Size 3.0
bumGenius One Size 4.0
Bummis Tots Bots
Charlie Banana 2-in-1 Cloth Diaper System - Sized
Charlie Banana 2-in-1 Cloth Diaper System - One Size
DinkleDooz Pocket Diaper
FuzziBunz One Size Diaper
FuzziBunz Perfect Size Diaper
Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper
Kawaii Baby Heavy Duty One Size Pocket Diaper
Kawaii Baby Bamboo Minky
Kawaii Baby Snazzy Minky
Oh Katy Pocket Diaper
Rocky Mountain One Size Pocket Diaper
Rumparooz One Size Diaper
Smartipants One Size Diaper
Sunbaby 3.0 (without hip snaps)
Sunbaby 4.0 (with hip snaps)
Thirsties Duo Diaper
Wahmies One Size ALL SNAPS Pocket diaper (please note this is not the one with the adjustable hooks)
Fitted Diapers
AMP Fitted Diaper
Chelory Fitted Diaper
Little Boppers Fitted Diaper
Little Fancy Pants Fitted Diaper
Mandi's Menagerie Fitted Diaper
Motherease Sandy's
Sustainablebabyish Fitted Magic Diaper
Prefolds and Flats
Cloth-eez (GMD) Prefolds
Econobum Diaper System
Imagine Birdseye Flats
Imagine Indian Prefolds
Imagine Smart Fit Prefolds
Little-Lion Prefolds
Megaroos Extended Tab Prefolds
Zabi Babi Indian Prefolds
Baby Carriers
Ergo Organic
Ergo Performance
Ergo Sport
Flat fold survey
Newborn Survey (revised 4/28/11)
Washing Machine Survey
Chelory Fitted Diaper
Little Boppers Fitted Diaper
Little Fancy Pants Fitted Diaper
Mandi's Menagerie Fitted Diaper
Motherease Sandy's
Sustainablebabyish Fitted Magic Diaper
Prefolds and Flats
Cloth-eez (GMD) Prefolds
Econobum Diaper System
Imagine Birdseye Flats
Imagine Indian Prefolds
Imagine Smart Fit Prefolds
Little-Lion Prefolds
Megaroos Extended Tab Prefolds
Zabi Babi Indian Prefolds
Baby Carriers
Ergo Organic
Ergo Performance
Ergo Sport
Flat fold survey
Newborn Survey (revised 4/28/11)
Washing Machine Survey
What is missing? If there is another diaper you would like to review, please email me at paddedtushstats@gmail.com. Thanks!