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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Size Diaper Project–Week 14–11 pounds, 8 ounces

When I am looking into buying a one-size diaper, I am always wondering how the baby looks as he/she is growing  in the diaper. For example, how does it work during the skinny-legged days? What about during a chunky phase? What about going into toddlerhood? Because of this, I decided to start up a One Size Diaper Project. For this project, I will be posting pictures of my baby in one size diapers. I hope to update it weekly so you can see how he is growing into different one size diapers.
If you are a blogger, you can include your link below and direct people to your blog to check it out.
GroVia AI2,Green Line AI2, Softbums Omni, Oh Katy, Econobum, Bumgenius 3.0 Pocket
Bumgenius Elemental, Dinkledooz, Itti Bitti Tutto, GroVio AIO, Flip, Go Green 017020025028030
Bottombumpers, Softbums Echo, Bumgenius 4.0 Pocket, Best Bottoms AI2, Rocky Mountain

Any changes in trimness since last week? Is one looking better? What do you think is most trim?

One Size Diaper Project
Week 10
Week 11

Include your link here if you have pictures of you are participating in the One Size Diaper Project.


  1. I've added my link for the 12 Weeks.
    I'm still going with GroVia AIO, Best Bottom & Softbum Echo which I believe is the same as last week. I need to look back. Will you let me know which you think looks trimmest on mine?

  2. Hmmm, just noticed that the linky is keeping my 12 week link for 11 week too. Did you change the code or start a new linky for each week so it will be different on each?

  3. Blech, technical difficulties. Could you link yours here in the comments?


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