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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One Size Diaper Project–16 Weeks–12 pounds, 15 oz

When I am looking into buying a one-size diaper, I am always wondering how the baby looks as he/she is growing  in the diaper. For example, how does it work during the skinny-legged days? What about during a chunky phase? What about going into toddlerhood? Because of this, I decided to start up a One Size Diaper Project. For this project, I will be posting pictures of my baby in one size diapers. I hope to update it bi-weekly so you can see how he is growing into different one size diapers.
If you are a blogger, you can include your link below in the comments and direct people to your blog to check it out.

Wow time is flying SO quickly! I love seeing the chunks grow on my formerly skinny-legged boy. Right now I am a HUGE fan of the diapers that have a snap down rise because they are so easy to adjust between my two kids. Before I would pack about a dozen diapers per kid, with lots for backup. I am also finding that it is much easier for people who watch my kids to just say, “Unsnap it for “Sprout”, keep it snapped for “Stalk.” Therefore, the BG Elemental is working great for daycare and absorbency. I love the fit of the GroVia AI2 and Softbums Echo right now.

What do you think looks like the best fit? What is your experience with any of these?


Gro Via AI2


Tiny Tush Pocket




Bumgenius Elemental AIO


Softbums Echo


Softbums Omni


Rocky Mountain Diaper


Bottom Bumpers One Size AIO


Bugga Bugga Boutique AIO


Baby Kicks Pocket


Wahmies Pocket


Gro Via AIO


Itti Bitti Tutto


Go Green Pocket


AMP Pocket


Oh Katy Pocket


  1. I have to agree that he GroVia AI2 & Softbum Echo are the best fit. I personally own GroVia AI2, GroVia AIO & BG Elemental.

    - GroVia AI2: Absolutely love everything about it except poo is hard to spray off. Great absorbency for us. Only used in day.
    - GroVia AIO: Absolutely love this one too. If we leave it on too long, the side snap tabs will get damp with pee..yuck! Only used in day.
    -BG Elemental: Another favorite of ours. No complaints. Only used in day.

    Love all the shots you got of the diapers. I did that 2 weeks ago with the side views, one of my readers requested me to do that. Glad you are too =)

  2. For the BabyKicks, you can always lay the insert on top of the inner lining. It helps keep the "bump" down and is great for no stuffing. I love ALL the pics you have up. This is a great idea!

  3. @Heather: Ha, I didn't notice! That is weird, I thought I had you on my RSS feed :( So I missed your posts!
    @Gina: Thank you and thanks for the great tip! The Babykicks is one of my favorite pocket diapers right now. I was even confident enough in it to put it on my toddler during nap time. That says A LOT.

  4. Do you like the Echo or the Omni softbum diaper better? The Echo seems to be a little trimmer. But I've hear good thing about both. I can't decide which one to try!

  5. That is a really good question and I am so conflicted! I love the Echo for my little one because it is trim, but the OMNI is SO great for my larger one. But I love stuffing my Omni with a Flip Organic...that is my go-to nap diaper (although right now my oldest is sleeping in an Omni with the bamboo pod). So I think if it were me, I'd rather have a less trim diaper that can be stuffed.


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